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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Introducing Robert E. Jones

Introducing Robert Jones
Political Consultant

Robert Jones

I work in the political sector and I recently became an investor in Paddington Media.

A professional message-driven presence online is as important as it is offline, like in TV or through messages sent through the mail.

Paddington Media is one of the most experienced firms in Texas helping candidates create that online presence and as the needs of the clients evolves, Paddington has adapted to meet the fast-paced needs of political campaigns. As in the case with Cheetah Vox and being able to integrate online communications with new SMS technologies along with traditional automated calls in one interface that is easy to use.

Campaigns need to be adaptive, Paddington’s Media Suite Pro gives campaigns the ability to manage their website in their own hands. Media Suite Pro gives candidates and their campaign managers the power to change the website at their leisure and to work within the weird hours that campaigns work allowing changes to be made overnight or over the weekend.

The evolution of the Media Suite Pro product into GIS Alerts is exciting. It’s so new many people haven’t wrapped their minds around it yet. The potential of the product will be exciting to see over the next 24 months and over the next election cycle in how politicians use the product effectively.

Two words. Speed kills. The ability to do proactive aggressive messaging, to build a crowd, contrast with your opponent and/or highlight an issue for constituents at the speeds provided by Cheetah Vox, gives you a competitive edge over your opponent.

GIS Alerts hits the fundamentals of winning campaigns, which is about building lists of voters, donors, activists and stakeholders. GIS Alerts can aggregate all of that information into one tool that is both visually-stimulating and provides a point of view that you can’t get in flat data fields. You get to see patterns and relationships between data points you wouldn’t otherwise see. GIS Alerts also allows you to act on those relationships by drawing a polygon. Sending communications to voters and donors that is fast & directed at the right audience at the right time, is an incredibly powerful tool.

It is clear that Paddington Media has demonstrates a level of innovation and flexibility to customize that is really hard to find especially in politics. This will serve the firm well in identifying the next big product and staying on the front end of the power curve.

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