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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PHP Failure on Republican's new website.

A major problem with PHP websites is that they can get easily overloaded and are prone to failure: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/ybenjamin/detail??blogid=150&entry_id=49465

A little known fact about Facebook: skin is written in PHP but the back-end framework was re-written in ASP.Net to handle the load of the applications and communications.

ASP.Net vs. PHP

If you're a programmer you might know the difference between the two. However, most people including business owners just don't know the difference between ASP.NET & PHP. PHP open-source code allows most folks to get a website up and get some content up. That's if you have the time to learn PHP. But most of the time, people buy a template or find a friend to do it for them for free...or for few bucks...or maybe a favor. But good luck if your programmer friend disappears. What do you do then?

Simply buying a quick template and putting your company's information up/slapping it on the web just isn't enough. What if you need to change some content and don't know any source-code? What if you need to add a web page? Would you even know how to re-build a sitemap?

What's a site map you say? That's what most people in the small-business world say.

This blog will discuss the challenges with PHP open-source vs. Asp.net...